RM1281AST6x Overview:
The RM1281AST6x series chips adopt CDC technology, which can achieve capacitance change detection with fewer external components.
The chip has a high power voltage suppression ratio, which can suppress the occurrence of accidental contact, ensuring that the chip still has high reliability under harsh environmental conditions.
The RM1281AST6x series chips have a wide voltage operating range, low power consumption operating mode, and have industrial grade operating temperature range, automatic calibration function that adapts to the environment, and resistance to voltage fluctuations. They can provide a wide range of products such as intelligent switches, wear detection, and watches.
RM1281AST6x Features:
Working voltage: 2.5V~5.5V
Low standby current
Automatic calibration function
Automatically switch between standby/working modes
Equipped with voltage fluctuation resistance function
Low voltage automatic reset function
Energy saving sleep mode
Industrial grade temperature range
Output can be selected from high or low effectiveness
Reliable touch button detection
Sensitivity can be adjusted separately for each channel
Sensitivity can be adjusted by connecting an external capacitor at the input end
Maximum button output time detection
RM1281AST6x Pin configuration:
RM1281AST6x Application Circuit: