HRD65T160x Description:
650V Super-junction MOSFET Gen Ⅲ
Super-junction MOSFET Gen Ⅲ is designed by HR-Micro Semiconductor Company,according to the SJ principle.This device provide an excellent Gate charge and Rds(on),which leads to extremely communication and conduction losses .So it is very suitable for AC/DC power conversion, Laptop adapter, Lighting, and industrial power applications.
HRD65T160x Features:
Very low FOM RDS(on)×Qg
100% avalanche tested
Easy to use/drive
RoHS compliant
HRD65T160x Applications:
Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Power Factor Correction (PFC)
HRD65T160x Packaging Information:
HRD65T160x Packaging Information: